Photo by Aila Boyd

Aila Boyd
During a Monday evening work session ahead of its regular meeting the Salem City Council heard an update on economic development matters from Tommy Miller, the city’s director of economic development. The update roughly covered the last quarter, March through May.
Miller explained one of the biggest projects his office has been working on is a strategic plan. In March, the Salem Economic Development Authority went through a general framework for the plan, including goals, objectives and strategy, and reached an agreement. He noted he met with a number of other city departments to ensure that they’re onboard with the plan.
Going forward, he said his department will hire a copywrite services firm to finalize the plan.
He also gave an update on the progress on Valleydale after recently speaking with developer Joe Thompson. “Valleydale is coming along. There was a bit of a roadblock with demolition. They came across a much larger piece of concrete. They assumed it was a bomb shelter,” he said. “That took them back a little bit on the demo work and they hope to be finalizing all of the permitting.”
Additionally, Miller said his department is involved in working to find a new potential location for the Salem Registrar’s Office because the current facility is too small. “We’ve narrowed down a number of properties,” he said.
During the regular session, the majority of the new business dealt with matters pertaining to the finance committee. All matters received unanimous approval from the four members who were present at the meeting, including Vice Major Jim Wallace, Councilman Hunter Holiday, Councilman Bill Jones and Councilman Randy Foley, with Mayor Renee Turk absent. Wallace presided over the meeting.
Adoption of Resolution 1455 amending the schematic list of job classes and pay ranges previously set forth on May 23 to be part of the 2023-24 fiscal year budget.
A public hearing on the proposed budget for fiscal year 2023-24 was held. The item was continued from the May 22 meeting. No one from the public spoke on the matter.
Adoption of an ordinance on first reading adopting the budget for fiscal year 2023-24 budget. The item was continued from the May 22 meeting. The commitment of funds will not occur until the approval of the second reading of the FY 2023-24 appropriation ordinance.
Adoption of an ordinance on first reading appropriating funds for the fiscal year 2023-24 budget. The item was continued from the May 22 meeting.
Acceptance and appropriation of an ARPA Law Enforcement Grant.
Appropriation of grant funds awarded by the Virginia Tourism Corporation.
Appropriation of additional State of Good Repair and Primary Formula funding for the Colorado Street Bridge project.
Appropriation and transfer of excess local funding in the Capital Projects Fund.
Setting of bond for physical improvements and erosion and sediment control and landscaping for Carter Machinery parking lot expansion.
Approval of the fiscal agent agreements with Court-Community Corrections and Cardinal Criminal Justice Academy.
Earlier in the meeting, the council voted to approve two matters pertaining to old business, including an ordinance on second reading for a request of Salem Montessori School, Inc. for rezoning the property at 112 Corporate Boulevard from RSF Residential Single-Family District and BCD, Business Commerce District with conditions to RSF Residential Single-Family District and an ordinance on second reading amending Section 82-43 Article II, Chapter 82 of the Code of the City of Salem pertaining to Tax Relief for the Elderly and Disabled. Approval on the first reading on the second matter was given at the May 22 meeting.
The meeting adjourned after 23 minutes at 6:53 p.m.