Shawn Nowlin
The Kiwanis Club of Salem recently elected several new officers for the upcoming fiscal year. Appointees are President Mary Cross, President-Elect Jim Paxton, Vice President Peggy Shifflett and Secretary Cheryl Graham who also serves as the organization’s treasurer. Kyle Emerich and Iris Park were named new directors while Tom Coffman, Susan Mini, Eileen Bell and Roy Smith return as directors.
As the presiding officer of the board and club, Cross works closely with directors to establish and follow a strategic plan, set goals by improving the members’ club experience and increase the impact of the club’s service.
“My husband Allen and his father were members of Salem Kiwanis. I feel very honored to be the President of Salem Kiwanis in the year of our 100th anniversary,” Cross said. “We hope to share our celebrations of this 100th-year event with the children of our community of Salem and the surrounding areas.”
Expressed Mini who helps oversee the direction, service and outreach of the Kiwanis Club, “It has been a challenging year, but I am so proud of the Salem Kiwanis Club for adapting and overcoming in these trying times. We have still been able to give thousands of dollars to support the community, while also adapting programs to get out and have fun.”
I feel blessed to be able to serve the children of Salem, said Emerich who added, I look forward to the opportunity to help this organization.

The Salem Kiwanis Club meets every Tuesday from noon to 1 p.m. at the Salem Civic Center’s Community Room and is currently looking for new members.
“We are so excited to still have the Christmas Parade – in a different, but safe environment,” Mini said. “We are looking forward to coordinating ‘Winter Wonderlot’ at the Salem Civic Center and the many other programs that the Salem Kiwanis will continue to support in any way that we can make it work safely and effectively. People interested in becoming a member are encouraged to attend a meeting.”
The mission of the Kiwanis Club is “to empower communities to improve the world by making lasting differences in the lives of children.” For more information, visit https://salemvakiwanis.com.