By Chamberlain Sulauf, Student reporter
Looking back on the last 12 editions of The Training Program gives me the same feeling of accomplishment that I would have after a run; half of me can’t think of where the time has gone, and the other half appreciates how I’ve grown along the way. Like being on a run there are points in life where you are not starting or finishing. In that position, the only thing you can do is put your right foot in front of the left.
The point where I find myself today is at the start of a new season of XC and my last semester of college, but I only feel a little closer to the end of the finish line. I’ve been a runner well before the beginning of this summer and I will continue to be one after I graduate. Like being on a run, the point where I started gets further away with every step and the finish nearer. Although I’m in my last season of competition I still have many miles ahead of me— the end is nowhere in sight, yet.
I’ve loved every step. I’ve loved every tied shoe, every training partner and every swig of water. It was a blessing and an honor to share a summer’s-worth of my running experience with you, reader, and I hope that you’ve related to it within your own life. Running is hard! But it has taught me the simple solutions to life, and I hope I’ve put them into words comprehensively for you. I could go on about the importance of just loving the run…
It’s funny, I started this column with a goal of 800 miles and only could manage 500— last year I produced 750. My Id hates to lose and in my entire college career I’ve never placed first in any race. Still, I can honestly say with confidence that I am a great runner! I believe that the same thing which makes any and every runner a great runner includes me. If I could continue being honest with those reading, I could admit that since my very first season eight years ago there was always more I could have done or could have been, of course. I competed though so I’m okay with that.
I’ve said before that there are many miles in between each edition of The Training Program. With that in mind you can always know that I’ll still at least be putting right in front of left even if you don’t read about it. You can think of it as holding up one end of a deal and together we can be great!