A whole wealth of free information selected by the original search engines, librarians, with the use of tax dollars purchased through the Library of Virginia or locally, is available anytime, anywhere at the click of a mouse. Unlike Google, the sources are always clearly stated and appropriate for the audiences they serve without unnecessary advertising. The following databases are ones that are most recommended by staff and may be found under the link for databases on the library’s website: www.salemlibrary.info.
Ebsco’s Explora, a comprehensive and valuable collection of full-text articles, books and more, provides a place to begin your search and does the formatting for your sources for you. There are editions for high school, middle school, primary and a Masterfile for all ages.
Kids Infobits is for beginning researchers, kindergarten through fifth grade.
Car repair:
Chilton Automotive Library provides quick, online access to repair, maintenance and service information on seven decades of cars, vans, SUVs and trucks.
Career and test prep:
Use Learning Express Library/Learnatest.com to take free courses and practice test-taking for Civil Service, ASVAB, GED, SAT, GRE, TOEFL, MCAT, LSAT, real estate, nursing, language, Post Office, cosmetology, U.S. citizenship exams and more! Take courses in Word, Excel and Photoshop.
Art and crafts video classes:
Learn to crochet, knit, paint, sew and other crafts using Creativebug.
Additional databases provide access to legal forms, help you learn a foreign language and take continuing ed courses on a whole range of topics.