Rep. Bob Goodlatte accepted the Distinguished Friend of Electric Cooperatives Award at a July 23 ceremony in Hot Springs, Virginia. From left, Gary Wood, CEO of Central Virginia Electric Cooperative; Rep. Goodlatte; Mike Keyser, CEO of BARC Electric Cooperative; Shawn Hildebrand, CEO of Craig Botetourt Electric Cooperative (shown presenting the award) and Michael Hastings, CEO of Shenandoah Valley Electric Cooperative. Not pictured: Kent Farmer, CEO of Rappahannock Electric Cooperative who jointly nominated Rep. Goodlatte.
Congressman receives Distinguished Friend of Electric Cooperatives Award
The Hon. Robert W. “Bob” Goodlatte, who has represented Virginia’s 6th Congressional District since 1993, has been named a Distinguished Friend of Electric Cooperatives by the Virginia, Maryland & Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives (VMDAEC).
This award honors legislators and others in public service who have actively supported the best interests of electric cooperative consumers. Goodlatte, who announced plans to retire at the end of this term, accepted his award on July 23 during the Association’s annual meeting in Hot Springs, Virginia.
In his remarks, VMDAEC Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Larry Howdyshell, a Shenandoah Valley Electric Cooperative board member, noted Rep. Goodlatte’s steadfast support of Virginia’s electric cooperatives throughout his time in Congress.
“While maintaining a hectic schedule of legislative duties, Congressman Goodlatte always made himself available to discuss issues to electric cooperatives and their members, who are also his constituents,” said Howdyshell.
Goodlatte was nominated by leaders from BARC, Central Virginia, Craig-Botetourt, Rappahannock and Shenandoah Valley electric cooperatives, whose service territories are part of his district.
Craig-Botetourt Electric Cooperative CEO Shawn Hildebrand noted, “As Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee, Congressman Goodlatte consistently worked to ensure the availability of affordable financing through the Rural Utilities Service.”
The 2018 Distinguished Friend of Electric Cooperatives Award nomination cites Goodlatte’s record of public service. He currently serves as Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee and is Co-chairman of the bipartisan Congressional Internet Caucus, Chairman of the House Republican
High-Technology Working Group, and Co-Chairman of the Congressional International Anti-Piracy Caucus. He and his wife Maryellen have two children and several grandchildren.
-Submitted by Mary Howell