From the 1938 centennial edition of The Times-Register

W. L. Brown Known to his many friends as “Cy” is one of the most popular bankers of this vicinity. He was born at Buena Vista, Va., but has been a resident of Salem for years, having been educated at the Salem high school and at Roanoke College. Immediately after leaving the local college he became affiliated with the Farmers National Bank of Salem.
During the World War Mr. Brown served with the 320th Infantry over seas, is a past commander of the Salem Post No. 19 of the American Legion. Besides taking an active interest in Legion affairs, Mr. Brown is a member of the Kiwanis Club, secretary and treasurer of the Roanoke College Alumni Association and treasurer of the Roanoke County Community Fund. He has long been affiliated with the Salem Presbyterian church and now serves as chairman of the Board of Deacons for that church. He is a member of the Kappa Alpha fraternity, takes an active interest in civic affairs and is interested in the Masonic order of which he is a member.
Golf is his favorite sport and he also finds recreation in travel.